Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Couldn't find the "studying Japanese in your dreams" thread

This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Cimmik 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Well, last night, somehow, I did it. Accidentally.

    Dreamed I was talking to a native Japanese speaker in a gas station, and I got to practice some of my basic sentences, and for some reason, we practiced a bunch of adjective conjugations.

    I know this thread doesn’t have much useful info, but I just felt an urge to post, since this is an eye-opener, for me. I was skeptical when Koichi first posted the article on this, because I’ve done some stuff with lucid dreaming, and could never stay asleep after I realized I was dreaming, which I never did, in this dream.

    I guess I’m just trying to tell anyone who’s skeptical that this is a totally feasible idea, if you can figure it out (I just have to hope I have more dreams like this) and it could be a real potential time-saver. :P

    Also, I’m homeless right now and I’m trying to get government aid housing from my state, so I won’t be on here for a while (sucks, cause I was actually beginning to study every day, for once)

    Wish me luck, and enjoy trying to learn Jap in your dreams, if you’re into that.



    > I’m homeless right now

    If you have paypal account, I will send you $10 US.


    @jkl: Hey, I’m TWICE as homeless as he is, and I’ve got a PayPal account…



    Man, jkl, I hate to accept your offer, but if you mean that, the email address on my paypal is LMarsR@gmail.com (I think that’s all you need?)

    I’ll even pay you back once my school loans come in, if you’d like.

    I appreciate it a lot, man.

    And if you’re joking: you got me. You got me really good… lol.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  Mars.


    Funny this thread should appear now. I had a dream in Japanese the other night. It didn’t last long, and it was wierd as hell. I was walking up an on ramp to a freeway, and a Japanese guy came along and we started talking. It was only very basic, but I was rather fluent. I was so excited when I woke up haha.



    That’s so funny! I was having a dream in Japanese, sort of, a part of it anyway, and the next morning my boyfriend said I had yelled at him in Japanese!



    I still have yet to experience this so I call bs on it



    It’s a pretty freaky experience. I hope you can have a Japanese dream sometime, missing.



    I remember only a bit of the first time it happened to me. I was shopping at ユニクロ (Uniclo) and I was talking to the staff about clothes or something. I can’t remember any more.

    More recently, I remember one (because it was so strange). I was back in Canada and talking to my brother in Japanese. And for some reason my parents understood me! It was really freaky. They have been to Japan twice to visit me, but have no knowledge beyond simple greetings.

    Anyway, that freaked me out and I didn’t realize it was strange until I woke up.



    I think this thread deserves a revive. It’s long time ago it have been alive, people must have gotten some new dreams in the meantime to tell about.

    After reading this article on Tofugu
    I dreamt some nice Japanese girls visited our school. I tried to impress some of them by talking to them in Japanese. It turned into a nightmare. They laughed at me, because of my incredible bad Japanese. Then one of my classmates began talking to them (in real life he have nothing to do with Japan) and they loved him. They slandered me. Then I became sad.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by  Cimmik.

    Damn, I haven’t seen Mars in ages, I thought this was him making a new thread :P
    Wonder how he’s getting on, hope he found a house ok and is still doing Japanese.



    I’m sorry to disappoint you MisterM.


    Ah, so I’m not the only one that has been dreaming about talking in Japanese since starting this program/online textbook! Like OP said, they was basic sentences…but I woke up happy and eager to learn more once it happened hahaha.

    Excalibuuuuur. Excalibuuuuur.


    True it’s a nice motivation boost when it happens.

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