Home Forums TextFugu Counting Numbers: 3,000

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    So it wasn’t till the practice page at the end of the counting chapter that I finally realized that the number 3000 is pronounced さんぜん, not さんせん like I thought it was. For the blatantly oblivious like myself, it would’ve been nice to have that pointed out as a weird exception in the pattern, along with all the other weird exceptions pointed out, so people like me don’t accidentally skip over that detail. Just a suggestion.

    Edit: Sorry, don’t mean to be pessimistic. Typo found. D: On the numbers quiz, the answer to 55 says it’s ごひゃく

    • This topic was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by  Jesse.
    • This topic was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by  Jesse.


    This is what bounties are for.. Although I submitted a bounty for that exact thing not too long ago. Makes you wonder if bounties ever get things fixed anymore. I also noticed that the 90s and 900s (I think) were used as ku in the practice sheet but kyuu everywhere else



    @zeldaskitten- But with a bounty, don’t you have to make a donation? I haven’t really looked at the page too much, but that’s what I presumed to be true.



    No, it’s when you post a bounty, Koichi makes a donation on your behalf.



    Edit : Well, Joel Alexander beat me to it

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by  Reiden.

    Bounties don’t get looked at: they’re too busy looking at colour palettes and fiddling with Anki decks. Oh, and Starcraft too.



    So snarky, Michael. :P:P ;)


    Hey, that’s what I’m here for ;) I’m betting that’s totally true though :P



    While we’re speaking of large numbers, I’ve finished reading that section myself, and I must say I found the explanation of numbers over 10,000 to be a little too brief. Perhaps an extra half paragraph and an example is necessary.

    The explanation currently there says that (for example) 1,000,000 is ひゃくまん and 10,000,000 is いっせんまん, which (if I didn’t know better) would give me the impression that 11,000,000 would be いっせんまんひゃくまん, when in actual fact it’s いっせんひゃくまん. As in, just as we’d say “eleven million”, in Japanese they say “(one thousand, one hundred) ten thousands”.

    Mind you, I also thought that one thousand was always just せん, not いっせん. And he switches from using きゅうじゅう for 90 to くじゅう without comment. Same with くひゃく. I was taught that one of these was used more often, but I never could remember which.


    Drop Koichi an email about it. He’s adopted this “3 sentences maximum” emailing strategy, but maybe he’ll be able to give an explanation :)

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