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    Its not only about Japanese. This dip thing is about getting better. Stop dropping things although I’m not a serial dropper but maybe I’m trying to cope with too many things a time.
    I could be doing this when I’m done with my studies I guess but then, how am I gonna look back at this later? I know how its gonna feel . imma be like “damn if I had started this two years ago I would be so much better at nihongo”
    This is confusing!!!

    Love you guys



    We love you too (I assume I’m one of the guys).

    I also have experienced that. The first thing I did was changing my 考え方 about all the things that piled up. I will not explain what I did exactly because I found out later it was just self-destructing.
    The second thing I did (I will recommend you to do this) was slowing a little down where I could, just don’t stop. It’s vital not to stop. You could e.g. focus mainly on getting control of you anki decks, or WaniKani if you still use that (yes, I remember you from WK). My way of slowing down might not be your best way. So, just find a way to slow down temporary.

    Actually, I got a special present, just for you, this video.



    I can’t help but be speechless whenever I get that kind of support from someone I’ve only met on a website.
    I mean, I wouldn’t have thought to get an answer like that from a real life friend so, thank you so much for doing this.
    Not only this is really nice of you, it is also meaningfull to me and I think you’re absolutely right by encouraging me to keep going. If there’s one thing that I should learn from Japan, it’s 頑張れ.

    It’s been really hard goin on WK lately (when was still suscribed) because I always comparing to the others, who made such great sentences in 日本語 and had been 50 whilst having signed up after me…
    I now feel like this is something personal and whatever the pace that is mine is, it’s better than not doing anything.

    I’m going to re-sub on WK, do it my way and spend less time on the forums than I used to.
    About textfugu, I’m not fond of it, I find it a tad too verbose, most of the time, I’m like “come on, get to the point now”. So my future use of it is rather uncertain.
    That said, we have an online community that’s pretty active and in wich you would be welcome if you want to chat more than every two year (post frequency here lol).

    Throw me an email address if you’re interested.
    And that video. Really hits you in the face when you’re complaining about crap behind your keyboard.



    Grant Poston

    Well said Cimmik. The only thing that I can input here is that comparing one’s self to others only makes things worse. Try to focus on the positive, how far you’ve come, that countless others have quit, while you have remained strong!

    “Comparison is the thief of joy.” —Theodore Roosevelt



    If I may, let me offer a bit of advice for slowing down.

    If you have too much on your plate, it might seem like a good idea to slow down and just focus on review. The thought process goes “well, I’m to busy/tired/etc to study, but I don’t want to loose what I know, so I’ll just keep up with my current flashcards and review those without worrying about new material.” It’s tempting, but it’s not a good idea. You’ll get bored and you’ll feel stagnant, and you’ll probably quit reviewing. It will start with missing one day, then two, then a week, and soon enough, you’ll be to the point where you can’t even remember the last time you studied. And, you will have absolutely no desire to catch up.
    I say it’s better to divert that energy away from old, boring material into something new and engaging. Watch some Japanese program with English subtitles. Try not to look down at them too often, but don’t punish yourself if you do. Every once in a while, if somebody says something you think is cool, write it down. Learn the lyrics to a few Japanese songs and sing them in the car. Don’t worry about making flash cards for the words you didn’t know, don’t bother, it’s not about learning words so you can use them later, it’s about learning the song so you can belt it out.
    Don’t worry about forgetting what you know. You’ll forget some stuff, but most of it will come right back without much effort when you decide to get back into studying more seriously.

    The worst thing you could do is make studying a chore, especially if it’s fruitless.



    Damn, Cimmik, I would have posted that!!! That one really makes the rounds.

    Not really much else I can say that nobody else has said. Try to avoid comparing your progress to others, avoid complete stoppage… etc.

    If you have an Android phone you can download an app called Kanji Senpai. It’s actually kinda fun and much better than doing nothing.

    Stereopony makes hella terrific music that I strongly encourage you to enjoy for some Japanese tunes.

    Good luck, and as our fisherman friend (not to be confused with Fisherman’s Friends lol) would say, NEVER GIVE UP!

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg


    Well, I feel speechless too. Thank you for your responses to my thoughts. I’m sorry about going a little off-topic now but… I didn’t expect it would mean so much to you. I’m in a hard time at the moment (it’s too personal to tell what it is), and hearing someone sincerely thanking me feels really nice. It’s among the best thing that have happened to me for weeks now, it feel like an eternity.
    Even though the TF forum is a little more quiet than the WK forum, the active people here are mainly very kind people.

    Let me go back on the rail again (I hope this metaphor makes sense in English).
    Yes comparing to others can be extremely delaying. E.g. I’ve always been incredible bad at English. Ever since 4th year at school (I think) when I got my first English class, until my last English class in the middle of (what I think is) equal to the American high school. Being in a class hold me back because I constantly compared myself to the other students. After my last class I began to use it more and more without thinking of what my level was. I know my English is far from perfect but now I feel much more comfortable with using it.
    Just to explain how important “not comparing” is.

    ADDED: Oh, and if you want to get in touch with me John Doe, you can contact me on this temporary mail I’ve made khmg9194-usikker@yahoo.dk. I don’t really dare telling my private mail on a public place.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Cimmik.


    Well. First of all, thanks for all your answers.
    They’re of great help to me, and I really mean it.
    Japan to me is not just anime and crazy stuff. I can’t really explain why but I somehow really feel “connected” to this country. And this whole thing about stoping or slowing pace is not just about WK. I guess it’s a very personal battle against myself too since I always feel like you have to be the best or not be.
    I have to take that slow pace path and がんばれ because that’s what life is about.

    Anyways, I just re-subed to WK and I’m going to keep learning Japanese because I’ve been willing to speak it for years now, and it won’t happen on its own.

    Thank you so very much guys, you got me back on track and that’s exactly what friends are for.




    Hey guys, just to let you know I’m ok and doing WaniKani again since february or march. Can’t really dedicate time to textfugu these days but it’s on my mind.
    My will to learn japanese as been strenghten by the actual planning of a trip to Japan (in about 2 year) and since I want to go there AND speak Japanese at that time, it has loaded me with a bloody hell of a motivation.
    Thanks again guys, I owe you one

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