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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Xaromir 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    Dearly beloved Fugu-tarians:
    I recently encountered a few errors in my TextFugu Anki decks, and I was wondering if there are more like that and if there a list (or if we maybe should start one).

    This post was specifically triggered by this one:

    It’s a bit big, so I didn’t embed it. According to Jisho “kae” is “to return”. I got confused because it is used correctly in a sentence deck, but I kept getting it wrong – today I got them both in the same sitting.

    There also is one where the kana says “otoutosan” but the solution and the audio say father (otousan) Sorry for being so hurried, got an appointment.


    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


    It’s a bit big, so I didn’t embed it. According to Jisho “kae” is “to return”. I got confused because it is used correctly in a sentence deck, but I kept getting it wrong – today I got them both in the same sitting.

    This is where kanji (and context) becomes important. Namely, 変える means “to change”, 帰る means “to return [home]“, and 返る means “to go back [to a place]“. All are read as かえる. While we’re at it, 替える means “to exchange”, 蛙 means “frog”, and 買える is a conjugation of 買う and means “able to buy”. Not an error, just a misunderstanding due to insufficient information.

    There also is one where the kana says “otoutosan” but the solution and the audio say father (otousan)

    That sounds like it might just be a typo. 弟さん (おとうとさん) means “[someone else's] little brother”, while お父さん (おとうさん) means “father”.



    Had non of these in Wani yet, but from the looks of it I may encounter 返 and 変 soon. It would be nice if the decks would use kanji more often or if Textfugu worked with Wani rather than Anki, but it’s not dramatic. :) Thanks for pointing it out.

    Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
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