Home Forums The Japanese Language Difference between ここ and .こちら (こっち)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  eru777 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Can anyone explain this to me because I cannot understand the difference.

    Thank you all.

    Example : こっちに来て下さい。

    Would this be any different if I said “ここに来てください。” ?



    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?


    ここ = here

    こちら = this way

    こちら is also slightly more formal than ここ, so (for example) if you’re introducing someone of higher social standing, you might go こちらはアリア部長です rather than ここは. Similarly, if you’re asking them to come here, you’d use こちら as well. こっち is more casual.

    Same deal goes for そこ/そちら, あそこ/あちら and どこ/どちら (though the last one also has an alternate usage – どちらさま means “who”).



    I see, thanks for the clarification Joel . ^^

    Hey! Lip them? Lip them? What?
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