Home Forums TextFugu Difficulty with Verbs

This topic contains 19 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  kanjiman8 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    That’s not a bad idea daniel. I’d print off vocab too to stick up on my wall, but no ink in the printer at the moment :(



    I’m plowing thru the verbs in Season 3 right now…like a guppy through a bowl of Jello. The first page was easy enough since I already knew 12 of them from my previous studies. The second batch tho… =_=# I do make up my own mnemonics which would make no sense to anyone else for the most part. I also attempt to make up my own sentences for additional practice.
    I keep a paper printout near me when I watch TV and study it during the commercials. I also have it on my flash card app on the iPod Touch.
    I find it interesting that this boat load of verbs were dumped on us after the lecture about “the dip”. I think I’m dipping now. O_o



    It doesn’t get any easier Tang. After the two list of verbs in Season 3, you have な and い adjectives plus adverbs to learn in Season 4. I’ve just began Season 5 and the workload has tripled compared to previous seasons. Don’t let that deter though. Once you plough away at it, it all comes together nicely and the feeling of completing a chapter is immense.

    I do agree about the dip part. I think if an alternate way could be thought of so there isn’t so much vocab to learn at once and rather spread over so many pages or whatever, then it would be less discouraging for some people.



    Thx for the heads up Kanjiman! Well, between WaniKani and studying vocab it’s good for a couple hours a day. Since I’m retired I have the time! Plus it keeps my senior citizen brain active! -_-



    You’re welcome. I admire you for learning Japanese and it just goes to show that you can begin learning something new at any age in your life. I sometimes regret not starting earlier but I probably wouldn’t of had the interest or motivation to learn back then. I’ve been fortunate that I’ve had a lot of free time this year and have been able to make use of that time to study Japanese. Over the next few months that will change so I’m cramming in as much as possible before then.

    Btw, I’ve always wondered what your avatar is about. Who is it and where is it from?

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