Home Forums TextFugu Disappointed with my "passion list"

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    Ron Moses

    I’m working on season 1, and I’m not happy with the fact that I can only find borrowed-English translations for a number of my passion list words.  A few of these seem like they must have a native Japanese word.  I’d like to post my list in the hopes that someone might have a few better suggestions for some of these… any help is greatly appreciated.

    My passion is movies… that’s why I’m learning Japanese, so I can watch Kurosawa without subtitles! :) 14 out of 20 isn’t bad, I guess, but still… there has to be a Japanese word for “motion,” come on.

    movie: えいが
    *film: ふいるむ
    *camera: かめら
    scene: ばめん
    actor: はいゆう
    actress: じょゆう
    director: えんしゅつか
    writer: さっか
    composer: さっきょくか
    editor: へんしゅうしゃ
    audience: かんしゅう
    theater: えいがかん
    *screen: すくりいん
    *projector: ぷろじえくたあ
    *video: びでお
    curtain: たれまく
    lighting: しょうめい
    color: いろ
    applause: はくしゅ
    *motion: もおしょん


    • This topic was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by  Ron Moses. Reason: misspelled えんしょつか
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by  Ron Moses. Reason: misspelled ぷろじえくたあ
    Avoid infestation. Rotate.


    You’re lucky your passion list has 14. Mine was less than half in hiragana. :)



    Borrowed English words can be quite popular, go with it (in katakana).


    Ron Moses

    I guess I got lucky then!  But still… motion?  Okay.


    Avoid infestation. Rotate.


    Motion as in “motion picture”? That’s just えいが – there’s no separate word for it.

    For motion on its own, my dictionary also suggests 運動 (うんどう) and 運転 (うんてん), but those are motion in the sense of doing exercise and driving a vehicle, respectively. Motion in the sense of “I would like to move that the minutes be accepted” is 提言 (ていげん) or 動議 (どうぎ). The act of making a motion (such as signaling with your hands) is 動作 (どうさ). Motion in the sense of things moving – the motion of the stars – is 動き (うごき). But yeah, none of those are really movie-related, though the last one is in the right vein.

    Of course, the danger of using a dictionary is that it gives you no idea of how common words actually are in regular usage. モーション is included in the list of results, though.


    Ron Moses

    I think うごき is closest to what I’m looking for.  I was kinda scraping the barrel by the end of my list, and “motion” (or, I suppose, “movement”) seemed like a relevant term in regards to describing how characters move through a scene, or how the camera moves.  Very useful when discussing Kurosawa. :)


    Avoid infestation. Rotate.

    Ron Moses

    “…my dictionary also suggests…”

    Y’know, I can be a real moron sometimes.  I got so caught up in the TextFugu instructions for this exercise – which say to use Jisho.org – that I completely forgot I received a “pocket” Kenkyusha dictionary for Christmas.  Duh!  Well, now I have a much better word for “screen” anyway… がめん.  Note to self: use your resources.


    Avoid infestation. Rotate.

    I tried making a “Passion List” based around music, but I gave up after a few entries – if I can barely say “Hello, how are you?”, I doubt I’ll be having an in-depth conversation about guitars any time soon :P May as well just learn the words as I see them. Everyone has different views, but I don’t really see a Passion List as being necessary/useful.



    Hah. I gave up on a passion list the moment Koichi said “yeah, you know that subject you just picked to make a passion list from? Don’t bother.”


    Ron Moses

    Well… I figure I’m going to try and follow the TextFugu method as closely as possible and not venture too far from the path.  I mean, I paid for it, so why make up my own thing?

    Early on I decided to skip keeping a journal, because I’m really bad with those and didn’t see the point.  Soon I discovered how useful it could be when I was having a hard time with ぬ, ね, め, れ, and わ.  Writing those down and examining them in isolation really helped me to nail them.  The ‘n’s have a little knot at the end.  And for whatever reason, when I see め I find it such a wishy-washy character my first thought is “meh.”  Once I had those fully mnemonicized the other two fell into place.  So now I’ve learned to stay on target and trust the mighty TextFugu.

    And as for を, how could a character that’s comprised of the letters THC not make you think “whoa”?  ;)


    Avoid infestation. Rotate.


    Projector:  えいしゃき (映写機)

    Though プロジェクター is much, much more common and I think 映写機 refers specifically to the old school film/slide projectors rather than modern digital ones.

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by  Elenkis.


    @Ron – nice custom mnemonic, that’s the ticket.



    holy cow…. i can’t believe i never noticed that the をparticle is comprised of the letters THC.
    ron, you just blew my mind a little lol.

    i started being able to pick words out of the movies & anime i was watching (in japanese) after only the first few seasons…. and i gotta say, its pretty awesomely gratifying.  good luck with your にほんご の べんきょう! (japanese language studies) :)  


    Ron Moses

    @Samurai Sam: I know that feel… this Little Caesar’s commercial makes me smile a little more each time I see it, just for the thrill of being able to follow it.  Not that it’s high-level or anything, but it’s gratifying nonetheless.

    Avoid infestation. Rotate.


    Those little victories are fantastic.

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