Home Forums Off Topic Do you have a blog? Art account? Etc?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Zach 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    I love finding new blogs and artists to follow~! So, feel free to share your sites here!

    Here are mine: http://yokaiakito.tumblr.com/ – My ‘everything’ blog! Fashion, movies, anime, games, etc!
    http://excitablelibrarian.tumblr.com/ – Cool stuff about books and libraries.
    http://light-consumer.deviantart.com/ – My really old/awful DeviantArt account. I mostly use it to keep track of my fav artists, and new sewing patterns I find! So, update my ‘favorites’ quite frequently!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  YokaiAkito.


    I keep a travel blog when I travel. That’s basically it…

    http://japan.jrudd.org/ is the one from Japan.



    I’m not much of an author but I do like taking pictures (though I wouldn’t call myself a photographer). I’ve got an Instagram at instagram.com/zachradge . I’m in Japan at the moment and for a week or so more so there will be quite a few photos coming :)

    Wanna see photos from my trip to Japan: instagram.com/zachradge
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