Home Forums TextFugu Downloading Textfugu decks on a PC re:’Encryption Error’

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Miriam 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    I had a heck of a time figuring out how to get the media files to play on Anki when I downloaded them to my computer and then imported them to Anki.  After a very long time, I realized that when I was unzipping the files (I use Windows Vista) I would get a message ‘Encryption Error’, “Confirm Encryption Loss: Do you want to copy this folder without encryption?”

    I didn’t know how to proceed, the options are ‘yes’, ‘skip’, or ‘cancel’.  I kept choosing ‘skip’, as I did not want encryption loss (assuming that it was the Japanese or media aspect, but apparently it has to do with Mac files that are not readable from a PC.).  Then I would end up losing the files I wanted to keep!

    If you just choose ‘yes’, all files are transfered, and importing both the deck and media files to Anki works perfectly, as per Koichi’s instructions.



    Yup. At one point I had the same thoughts as you, but I just pressed ‘yes’, and I got it into Anki :)



    I’ve seen that encryption message pop up with virtually every file I’ve unzipped Windows. Not quite sure why it happens, but it sounds like you did the right thing



    What program are using to unzip the files?

    I use WinRar and never have a problem unless the actual archive is corrupt. That hasn’t and is unlikely to happen with TextFugu decks. Here’s the official site for WinRar http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm

    Choose version 4.11 and either 32bit or 64bit version for Windows depending on what type of OS you have.



    I think Windows Vista and above can all unzip files natively.




    That is all.



    WinRar does alot of other stuff too and I feel is all around better than the default Windows one. WinRar is “technically” free too. After 40 days a pop appears every time you open WinRar up, telling you to buy a license. If you click cancel the program runs fine without any restrictions.

    7 Zip is another good program as Andrew provided the link for.



    I tried the 7zip before I realized all I had to do was click ‘yes’ to that prompt, but It doesn’t seem to work properly on my computer. Probably just Vista unuserfriendliness and my untechnical mind crossing and causing short circuits ;P
    Good thing the native program does work after-all.

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