Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Easy way to distinguish between On-yomi and Kun-yomi

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    Going through the Season 1 kanji, I realized that almost all of the on-yomi sound “Chinese” (not trying to sound racist). Meaning there are a lot of pronunciations similar to mandarin. For Season 1, a lot of them were about the sound お or おう. This maybe something that sound silly, but please let me know if I’ve caught onto something.

    Also, what are YOUR ways to distinguish them?



    I agree!

    Another distinguishing factor is that on’yomi always(?) is only one syllable (even if there’s a long vowel).

    Problem is sometimes the kun’yomi is one syllable too, so this doesn’t always work every time :(



    It’s true quite often, but not always. 月 (nichi)、日 (getsu)、夕 (seki)、木 (moku)…. Well these kanji probably have other on’yomi “more Chinese sounding” (I know 月 and 日 have much more on’yomi, and it may be the case for the other ones too…?).

    So yeah, it is still true most of the time, but you can’t really use that to generalize. Still, if you happen to remember both the on’yomi and kun’yomi for a given kanji, but you forgot which is which, then indeed, many times the more Chinese sounding one will be the on’yomi ^^

    I don’t really have ways to distinguish them other than learning the Textfugu way (learning on’yomi with stories, and kun’yomi with vocab).


    If you’re not taking some advanced exam like the Kanji Kentai, does it matter which is which?



    you mixed up 日・月 :p



    Yeah, sinistertetsuo is right, Kelovar.

    月 = getsu (month)
    日 = nichi (day (of the month))



    Um my method is… I learn vocab, and I pick a specific word that uses the 音読み and the 訓読み, and an extra word for any additional readings. Thats about all to be honest.

    Like 変

    変 へん
    変更 へんこう
    変える かえる



    Gah that’s what I get for writing all the kana, then all the romaji separately ^^; Oh, that just made me think I have to make a thread about what caused this.

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