Home Forums TextFugu Etoeto Q's

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    On WaniKani, Hashi says that they are sending out invites in stages. The first one (which was already sent out) was only to a small group of people. There is a very small number of EtoEto members. Tofugu will gradually send out more invites until the final version of EtoEto is released to all TextFugu Forever members.

    I guess we just have to wait. We’ll be getting invites soon, hopefully. I tried signing up on EtoEto, but it looks like you need to have received an email from them.


    Patience it is then.
    That or we harras Viet to let use in… (Maybe not)


    David Ochoa

    can’t access the etoeto alpha either. lifetime textfugu member


    How have you been a wanikani lifetime member since 2012?

    Blergh. LOL. I meant a regular year subscription to Wanikani in December 2012 (I purposefully bought the lifetime Textfugu immediately prior, so that I could get the discount on WK). I bought Textfugu during a promotional period, so I needed the sales to process before the WK offers ended. I started an email conversation regarding the Textfugu and Wanikani account information, and I wound up getting help from Koichi and getting it all sorted out. ^_^ Now I also have a Lifetime Wanikani account, but that occurred recently. When I was looking at my account I read the words “Lifetime” and I think I wound up absentmindedly typing that into my comment. -_-

    Sorry for any confusion!


    Sorry for any confusion!

    No problem!
    I re-read my post, sorry for being harsh…


    Ryan Dean

    Sorry for the late addition, but there’s something I’m still a bit unclear on…

    I can’t remember exactly when I signed up for TextFugu, but I know it wasn’t a lifetime membership. When the new updates roll around, will my current recurring payments be canceled and require that I renew it manually, or will they be carried over? Will there be input required from me when the update comes, I mean.



    So, when you reach the point at which you’ve paid enough in recurring payments to equal a lifetime payment anyway, you get awarded a lifetime membership. It’s not automatic, though – maybe e-mail koichi and ask. Even if you’ve not been here enough to earn a lifetime membership, he can answer your question better than us anyway. =)



    Ryan Dean

    A’right, will do so as soon as possible :>

    Thank you~



    Been a lifetime member since not long after Textfugu first came into being. Am interested in getting access to EtoEto (today is the first I’ve heard of it).

    Ah well. I guess things will become more clear with time… Or maybe not. Koishi last posted in 2013. Kind of strange to me. Must be something I’m missing here. I mean I knew TextFugu started getting neglected when WaniKanji came out, but that seems pretty extreme. o.o

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Chigun.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by  Chigun.


    2 months since the Etoeto teaser post. Has anyone got access yet? I’d love to get started as it’s the only time of year when I have full days I can dedicate to studying between school terms.


    Koichi is being really gradual with access to the site right now. He posted in wanikani about a month or so ago that people who had progressed to a certain point might be able to get access if they are also a lifetime member here. He said that now or only has advanced lessons available but lower level material will be added and thus some beginners might get access in a couple of months. I think he is being really careful of how many people have access to the incitement since everything is so new in developer.


    Ryan Dean

    Makes sense. I’m still working through the beginning grammar and vocab sections, so I’m happy with what I got so far~


    Bizarrely enough I got etoeto access way back in 2013… I have the email still with my invite etc but must have totally forgotten about it… And now I can’t get back in.. Should have stuck with the studies on textfugu!0



    You had access to a different version Etoeto. The old version was intended for more advanced learners, but it never really got off the ground.

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