Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Finally a Newbie!

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    Holly Byrne

    Hi there!

    I’ve very much wanted to learn Japanese since I was about 10/11 (I’m 20 now!), and while I have picked up a few phrases, bits of vocab and a bit of Kana over the years, I have never been able to begin learning properly, I have always been intimidated by taking the plunge (or even getting my feet wet, I probably dipped, like, a pinkie toe into Japanese in the past 9/10 years).

    I’m really glad I’ve found this site as, while I’ve only got part way into Season 2, I feel that it’s helped me an awful lot, and with the bits I’ve picked up over the years, I feel like I’m starting to make proper progress with building (and hopefully building on) a strong foundation :)

    When I was younger, what made we want to take up learning Japanese was the amount of Manga and Anime I consumed, and that very quickly grew into being fascinated by the language itself. My drive now for learning is still very much an appreciation for the language, along with wanting to understand and experience the myriad of things coming from Japan (if that makes sense).

    Very happy to be here!



    Welcome! Do one step at a time, and you can accomplish anything. =)



    Nice to meet you! I just started learning Japanese as well!

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