Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Finally Taking the Plunge

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    I’m twenty years old, English born, living in Texas, and I go by Pencil. I’m one of those terribly misguided people who’s primarily learning in order to watch movies/read books/play games, but aside from that, it’s also a heck of a lot of fun for me (despite the gut-punch feeling I get whenever I miswrite a Kanji that was perfect just a few days ago).
    As far as learning resources go, I’m smorgasbord-ing things a little: some Heisig here, a few lessons of Textfugu there, some Tae Kim, JPod,Slime Forest, and a small handful of textbooks I picked up second hand.
    My long-term goal is to achieve near-native fluency (five to ten years), mid-term is to take this year’s JLPT N4 (maybe N3, if I’m feeling masochistic), and my short-term goal is to learn at least one new piece of vocab/grammar every day. I look forward to chatting to everyone here on the forums. よろしくおねがいします。



    Hey Pencil, welcome to TextFugu! Nice to hear your goals, good luck with the JLPT!



    Howdy Pencil! Welcome to the forums. I like that you have long, mid, and short term goals. If you’re only aiming for one new vocab/grammar a day, though, it might take longer than 5 years to become fluent! ;)

    Best of luck with your studies!

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