I’m twenty years old, English born, living in Texas, and I go by Pencil. I’m one of those terribly misguided people who’s primarily learning in order to watch movies/read books/play games, but aside from that, it’s also a heck of a lot of fun for me (despite the gut-punch feeling I get whenever I miswrite a Kanji that was perfect just a few days ago).
As far as learning resources go, I’m smorgasbord-ing things a little: some Heisig here, a few lessons of Textfugu there, some Tae Kim, JPod,Slime Forest, and a small handful of textbooks I picked up second hand.
My long-term goal is to achieve near-native fluency (five to ten years), mid-term is to take this year’s JLPT N4 (maybe N3, if I’m feeling masochistic), and my short-term goal is to learn at least one new piece of vocab/grammar every day. I look forward to chatting to everyone here on the forums. よろしくおねがいします。