Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Finding the most common kanji in your deck

This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  jkl 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    Let’s say you have a large sentence deck and you are struggling with it. Maybe it would be easier if you spent some time doing focused study on kanji that come up frequently, or maybe you want to delete cards that have kanji that only show up once in the entire deck. In either case you need to know how many times each kanji appears in your deck.

    Below are the statistics for a deck containing SmartFM Core 6000 sentences. Some duplicate sentences have been removed or edited, but if you have a similar deck, these numbers should be close. The top 100 most frequent kanji are listed.

    彼 1210
    日 478
    私 425
    女 378
    人 326
    大 262
    今 254
    行 213
    事 208
    会 203
    学 186
    見 177
    生 175
    出 171
    手 164
    年 163
    上 162
    一 160
    子 156
    本 156
    物 148
    時 135
    車 134
    来 134
    家 131
    食 126
    入 125
    話 124
    気 123
    書 120
    合 116
    分 116
    社 115
    国 113
    間 111
    中 110
    明 101
    新 98
    下 97
    月 96
    長 93
    電 91
    好 88
    地 87
    切 85
    仕 82
    道 78
    部 77
    前 76
    通 75
    意 75
    持 73
    方 73
    父 72
    買 72
    自 72
    言 71
    強 71
    理 71
    友 70
    近 70
    何 69
    場 69
    水 68
    問 66
    業 66
    昨 66
    聞 65
    母 64
    最 63
    取 63
    外 62
    高 62
    金 61
    朝 61
    屋 61
    着 60
    先 60
    作 59
    者 59
    名 59
    体 59
    風 59
    動 58
    後 58
    達 58
    目 58
    校 58
    供 56
    用 54
    毎 54
    少 53
    発 53
    度 53
    親 53
    力 53
    知 52
    題 52
    付 52
    雨 52

    From the top 4, you can tell this set of sentences over-uses personal pronouns.

    If you know how to run Python scripts and you want to find statistics on your own Anki deck, try the script below, passing the file path of your deck as the first argument. If the first field of your model isn’t the one which has kanji in it, you need to modify the select statement so that it has the right ordinal. The commented-out query limits the statistics to those cards which have a review interval greater than 0. Note that cards you haven’t seen yet will have an interval of 0.




    Well it looks like code tags don’t work, and I can’t edit that post either. I hope it is clear what should be indented.

    Edit: Moved script to pastebin.



    Ah, but just because a kanji is common doesn’t mean that you should learn it today. You should learn kanji that increase, to the maximum extent possible, the number of sentences you can understand today. It is better to learn two sentences today and one tomorrow than one sentence today and two tomorrow.

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