This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Pedro Terra 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #37853


    Hello everyone,

    I’m Tyler, and I currently live in the beautiful state of Connecticut.

    Today I am taking the first (of hopefully many more) steps to learning Japanese.

    I’ve been living a rather apathetic life the past couple of years—just coasting through most days without much thought or care about anything really. I want to change this recently developed attitude of mine by taking on something big, and also kind of scary for me to be honest, as learning a language and proving to myself that I can accomplish it by putting in daily effort and work.

    I chose Japanese because I—like many others :P—love Japanese pop culture and media: anime, music, manga, dramas, video games, you name it. I’m currently held back to only being able to watch, read, or listen to things that have been translated. I want to be able to experience all of these different forms of media that I enjoy so much in their native language.

    Another reason I chose Japanese is actually because of this site. After going through some of the lessons in Season 1, I realized that I had finally found a way of learning another language that made sense to me. I’ve tried a couple of different programs before, and I’ve never felt like they’ve really clicked with me. TextFugu lays lessons out in a way that really helps me grasp on to the information and retain it in a way that most of the other programs I’ve tried failed at.

    I don’t expect it’ll be easy or that I’ll become a Japanese speaking prodigy, but I do have a real drive and desire to see this goal of mine through to the very end.

    I hope we all can help each other out as we go through this adventure together. ^_^



    • This topic was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by  Tyler.

    Pedro Terra

    Hello Tyler! I am too an enthusiast of japanese culture since I was a kid!

    I started learning japanese in a class with 20+ people. In 6 months there were only 6 people left. I think the main reason was that everyone thought they would be reading manga, watching anime and playing games in japanese in a few months or so, but they realized they weren’t gonna get even close! So what I think is great about TextFugu is that they’re trying hard to keep people motivated and, at the same time, they’re helping everyone go through the – although difficult – most efficient path. I’ve only used old textbooks in class too, so it feels very fresh to use something so modern!

    Wish you best of success with TextFugu!

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 2 months ago by  Pedro Terra.
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