Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Focused on the Fugu

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    After a long haitus from Textfugu I’m back with a vengence to work hard and learn Japanese! I’ve actually made this post before, but I’ve been away for so long I thought I should start fresh.

    I’m Calvin, former music student turned IT professional (don’t worry I still love music). Sinve grafuating college and entering adulthood a lot has changed; moved cross country, got married, totally about face in professional aspirations. What hasn’t changed is my love for Japan and the Japanese language.

    So without further ado, here is why I want to learn Japanese:

    1. I want to visit Japan one day, stay at a ryokan and be able to habe a complete convetsation with my host.
    2. <liI love playing and making video games. Id love to play more Japanese games with Japanese speakers

    3. I want to read Japanese poetry and historical texts in their original language
    4. I want to watch Japanese films without relying on subtitles
    5. I want to make Japanese speaking friends
    6. I want to beter appreciate the culture through understanding the language

    What do you all think? Too media focused?

    -Calvin / Karu



    Welcome back!

    Ain’t nothing wrong with being media-focused – for many of us, that’s the only exposure to Japanese that we can get. =)


    I agree with Joel! If it wasn’t for the media exposure I would probably have no interest in Japanese culture. There is absolutely nothing wrong with trying to build a deeper understanding through media. Don’t sell yourself short :)

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