Home Forums TextFugu Frustrating Anki problem.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 11 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi there. I didn’t know where to post this, and the forum search isn’t working for me, so I figured I’d just give it a shot here.

    So, I haven’t been on the site in probably over a year, and I wanted to start taking the lessons on textfugu again from scratch, as a refresher, but all of the anki decks uploaded to Textfugu can’t be imported to the newest version of Anki. I keep hearing about packages, or something, but all of the decks available for download on textfugu are .anki files.

    I’ve searched on here, and on the anki site, but I can’t seem to figure it out. It just “imports” 0 cards.

    Anyways, maybe I’m missing something really simple, but I’ve been trying for hours, with no luck.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.




    Can you describe exactly how you are trying to import the cards?

    I too was here a year ago and came back a few months ago, after Anki 2 was released. I also decided to start again from scratch. But I didn’t have any problems importing the files.

    So If I could find out exactly how you are doing it, I might be able to see the difference.

    And welcome back! ^_^




    Well, this is odd, but I just re-downloaded Anki, and now everything works as it should.

    Before, I was just importing the .anki file, via the “import” button, and it would shoe “0 of 9 cards imported”, or whichever number of cards were in the deck. But now, everything seems to be fine.

    Go figure, haha.

    I appreciate it.







    Here’s some links to have a look at:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu (just completed it):


    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    And here is a thread with a list of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:



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