Home Forums The Japanese Language Gah! Wahhhh! (が & は)

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    Hello, this is my first post. I’ve made it to season 3 of TextFugu and so far it’s been plain sailing.

    Then I got to が & は. Or more specifically, the following example in the Expanding On Loving And Hating chapter:

    Q: わたしのくるまはすきですか?

    A: いいえ、あなたのくるまがきらいです

    Can anyone please explain to me why が is used in the response? In an earlier example on the same page, in which the question was “いぬ が すき ですか?” and the response “はい、いぬ は すき です”, Koichi gave the following explanation: “Because dogs have already been identified, you can answer using は, which puts the emphasis and importance on whether or not you like them (i.e. what comes after は)”. That makes perfect sense to me.

    In the car example, however, presumably the car doesn’t need to be identified (perhaps the two speakers are sitting in it) – hence the use of は in the question – so why would the respondent emphasise the car part of their response as opposed to whether or not they like the car? I’m confused!

    I know that Koichi says it’s not the end of the world if you get these particles mixed up, but I don’t feel as though I can move on until I get a more solid grasp of the differences between them. Thanks in advance for any help.



    I was hoping one of the more knowledgeable users on this forum (aka not me) would reply, as that is where I’m up to as well.

    I would strike a guess at you being correct and the error is actually on Koichi’s part.

    I think it gets a bit confusing with those kind of things when you have isolated sentences that aren’t actually a part of a real conversation. I could very well be wrong though as I just recently asked my own questions with this section of TF, as は and が has long been the bane of my Japanese grammar existence.

    The best option would be to e-mail Koichi directly at koichi@textfugu.com and get an answer straight from the horse’s gullet. He generally replies rather quickly.

    If he does get back to you with a sufficient answer, please share the info here as I am just as interested in the explanation.




    I was hoping one of the more knowledgeable users on this forum (aka not me) would reply, as that is where I’m up to as well.

    What we really need here is someone who’s more knowledgable in what Koichi was thinking when he wrote all that. Which is not me either. =P

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