Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) G'day G'day from a travelling Australian

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 11 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi everyone,

    First of all thanks to Koichi for this marvel of a website.

    I’m William, an Australian of HK decent who is currently working in Guangzhou, South China.

    I’m a High school teacher who is moving to Tokyo in a few more months and stumbled across this online textbook.

    I’ve tried studying Mandarin previously with a private tutor for a year with little success.

    However Koichi has done something different in this website and I look forward to working through the Lessons and Seasons.

    Is anyone here living on the Odakyū Odawara Line  小田急小田原線 Tokyo?



    Welcome! You’ve certainly been around. Going to be teaching high school on Japan as well?

    I’m living in Australia, but I’ve stayed in a hotel in Machida, and crossed the Odawara line tracks several times. Is that good enough? =D

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