Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Getting Back 2 Really Learning Japanese Whoop-Whoop!

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    Hello my fellow Japanese learning peeps!

    I am getting back on the Japanese learning horse for the 10th time and, with TextFugu, I hope to work hard and finally achieve fluency! I have studied and quit Japanese more times then I can count for nearly 5 years now.  I have years of Japanese in my head but cannot for the life of my put it all together to make sense. I have come to TextFugu in the hopes I can finally end this merry-go-round attempt at learning behind me and finally make sense of Japanese as a whole. Good Luck to everyone and I hope to see  you all in the 10% Heck Ya I Did It Club!, not the 90% Quitter’s Club!





    Hello and welcome to TF! Good luck with learning Japanese.



    Stacey! Welcome! Embrace that enthusiasm and it will carry you far. :) Good luck with your studies!




    I have years of Japanese in my head but cannot for the life of my put it all together to make sense.

    In some ways, I envy you for that. I really love the feeling of “oh, THAT’s how that works/what it means/how you write it” when I manage to piece some little thing I picked up into the bigger jigsaw puzzle metaphor of my actual Japanese knowledge, but I’ve kind of advanced to a stage where I’ve learnt enough to cover all the bits I knew, and all the remaining pieces are in the box, not in my hand, so I won’t be getting that feeling any more. Unless I’ve dropped some pieces on the floor and forgotten about them. And that’s probably about as much stretching as that metaphor will take.

    What I’m trying to say is good luck and keep it up. =)



    It is ではまたactually.  I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but better learn things earlier than later. :)

    Welcome to Textfugu!

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