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    Hello! I have the privilege to travel to Japan next march on an exchange trip for 3 months, I have been doing my best to learn the language (started last April). I’m on the end of season 4 in text fugu and have been doing RTK (remembering he kanji) on the side as well. If there are good resources/advice or just anything useful that you think I should know I would gladly like to hear it. Thanks!



    Ooo, congrats. Where specifically are you going? What sort of exchange are we talking? School? University?

    My advice: take some awesome photos for us. =D Also, focus your attention on what going to come up most often. Small talk and social niceties. Local place names in kanji. Types of shop – and maybe even their names. How to ask directions on the street – and how to understand responses given to you.



    Thanks! I won’t know exactly where I am going in Japan until later this year when I’m assigned a host family and I am currently in grade 11 high school. The one thing I was wondering (goes along with you talking about directions), is the proper way to say “where”, it hasn’t come up in textfugu (it said on line it was どこ, not sure if this is right). I defiantly think as I get closer to my date I’ll start focusing specificity on questions and answers as I think that’s what I’ll be doing most. Thanks for advice and I will defiantly take lots of photos.



    Aye, that’s correct. For example, 駅はどこですか = where is the station?

    Anyway, I couldn’t suggest an actual resource, I’m afraid. Maybe buy a phrasebook? I bought a second-hand one when I went to Japan (before I started learning Japanese) and it served me reasonably well – though, of course, it didn’t actually help me to understand answers if I had to ask someone a question…

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