Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greatings from Canada

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hello from the great white north. Land of the penguins, igloos and “ehs”

    A little about myself.
    I’ve been studying Japanese in university for nearly 2 years now.
    I had the chance to travel to Japan last August. It sparked a higher desire for the language.
    The major reason why I’m trying my best to learn the language is that I want to “experience” Japan.
    I want to get in the unmasked real world of Japan that the average tourist cannot see.
    I want to be fully emerged in a culture that is somewhat chin-up to outsiders.
    From my last trip I’ve had a lot of doors wide open to me for being a gaijin.
    Although that’s highly desired, I always felt that the language barrier and gaijin status always left a barrier from experienceing the true Japan.
    That’s why I’m here, plus the added bonus of I’m completely obsessed with everything Japanese.

    Thanks everyone, can’t wait to start leaning with everyone!

    Good luck.

    Cameron Strobel



    Hello and welcome to TF :). It’s great you’ve been to Japan already. I can fully relate to the reasons you want to learn the language. Good luck with studying.



    Hi Cameron, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies

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