This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Morgaine Brindle 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    My name is Morgaine and I am an Air Force brat who spent all of her formative years (from 5 to 16) in Misawa, Japan.  It was my father’s second tour on that Air Base and he was fluent and had very good friends off base.  As such, I grew up learning the language not only in class, but by visiting friendship camps, hanging out with my parent’s friends, and just being immersed in the culture outside the fence of the base.

    I miss it very much, as Misawa is where I consider my “home” to be when anyone asks where I am from.  I also am disappointed in myself, as I have lost most of my language skill through lack of use (it has been about 15 years since I have had someone to talk to other than my father).

    I hate the feeling of disconnect that I now have with a place that is very important to me and am re-learning Japanese as a way to combat that.  I hope to return and show my husband the place I called home for so long.  Also, I HATE watching a movie where I can identify the IDEA they are talking about, but lack the understanding to identify what each line of dialog is in the film!!

    I am fairly shy but I would like to think I am friendly, and am looking forward to chatting with many of you in Teamspeak and the forums.

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