This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  shiromangetsu 13 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #14578

    Hello fellow Japanese learners!

    I have recently started my own journey of learning Japanese (just about a week ago). My motivation is still high and I hope it will stay that way. (To be honest, I could also do with some motivation to practice my Spanish, but meh. My priority is Japanese, at the moment.)

    It still feels a bit surreal to be learning a new language again, but it’s all cool. This post might make it more real. I plan on doing a blog on my process (and other random stuff) and hope to keep it up. To be honest, I’m more worried about keeping up the blogging than keeping up learning Japanese.

    A HUGE thanks to Koichi for all the great tips and help he gives to others. Koichi, if you read this: I love you. Well, no, I don’t, but I look up to you.

    Sorry if my English is a bit off, but being back home always does that to it. It’s not my native language, although after about 12 years of being immersed in this language… well, I should know better.

    Anyways, bye! Keep up the motivation, everyone. :)

    Link to blog of possible progress: Click me!

    • This topic was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by  shiromangetsu.


    Welcome to TextFugu! Good luck learning Japanese! Let us know if you make a blog for your Japanese learning. And it sounds like Japanese will be your third language? Impressive :)


    Thank you! :)

    I will edit the link into the original post.

    It will be my fourth, but it is really not that impressive. :P There are people who can speak a crazy amount of languages. :D

    I suck at being active in forums, but I will actually try for once. Seems like a nice community. :)



    Welcome to TextFugu!

    I’m just wondering, what other languages do you know apart from English?
    Either way, if you keep up with Japanese and end up knowing 4 languages that would be a really cool statement to have on your agenda for jobs and just to brag to other people. :P

    Good luck learning Japanese.


    Hey Kaona!

    I don’t really brag about stuff to other people. I like to be a bit more in the background hehe. :P Apart from English I know German and Spanish. But yeah, the latter needs practice. I never was that much dedicated towards learning it properly because I had to take it in school.

    Thanks. :)



    Welcome, and good luck with your studies! Since you already know several other languages, the process of learning Japanese should come easier for you. :) I hope you find that to be true!


    Thanks for the warm welcome. I hope the process will actually be easier, but then again it’s nothing like the other languages I have learned. We shall see. :)

    Hope learning Japanese has been well for (all of) you so far, too.

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