This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  jobotslash 13 years ago.

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  • #26215


    Obviously new here, really impressed with how clean this site is!

    Well, I guess I’m learning some Japanese to be able to enjoy shows and sites I frequent without dealing with broken translations and awful Dubs. The more I learn about it though, the more I want to visit Japan. It’s very interesting, and after living in a big American city for over a year, I’m interested in seeing how a big city in Japan compares. The culture and mutual respect that I hear about in Japan is worlds different from the US.

    I’m currently halfway through Season 2 and working my way up. I feel like I will be reading basic kid’s books in no time! (Yotsubato! here I come!)

    Other than all of this above, I am a huge video game fan. Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus are high ranking games, can’t forget Oddworld series either. I won’t bore anyone with my endless list of favorite games… so I’ll just stop here =)

    Hello world!



    Hello back to you as well! =) I understand your pain, sometimes I miss alot of what’s going on thanks to the little guys down there.

    Yotsuba and SotC FTW! I loved Yotsuba’s simplicity and SotC’s OST.

    Well, hope you gain something during your stay at Textfugu!

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by  Yippy.


    Hey Joseph, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies.



    You better believe all I’ve listened to for the past week is the SotC OST. Kow Otani is amazing. Yotsuba will be much better once I’m able to piece together more complex sentences. right now, I’m only to です、でした、じゃありません.

    I’m having a problem wrapping my head around the difference and usage of ON vs KUNyomi. I kinda get it, but not completely. =(

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