Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings, Colleagues

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Nigel 13 years, 7 months ago.

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    I am a computer programmer and martial arts student in Michigan, USA. Japanese is an important language to the martial arts that I study, and I want to be able to read, write, and talk about them in Japanese.

    Since identifying that first goal and fiddling around some, I have become enthralled with the written language, the characters of the writing system. I want to be able to read and write this all.

    Way in the background are goals like adding Japanese to my professional skills and traveling there, but there’s plenty to start with before then.

    こんばんは!(where I am, at any rate…)




    Welcome to the site! We recently had another martial artists join to. Its a pretty interesting reason ^^



    I must say, Sheepy-san, your avatar makes you look as though you’re one, too. You wouldn’t recall the person’s handle, would you, at all, at all?



    Welcome to TextFugu, Nigel!

    This sort of makes me want to learn martial arts. I was supposed to join a class about 2 years ago but I backed out of it. .___.’

    Good luck learning Japanese.



    Sweet, what are you studying specifically?



    @Kaona: worth trying, though as koichi-san says, worth also being clear what you want to get out of it (I am getting: greatly improved health-n-fitness, practice of kata, and better self-defense preparedness, and at some point I will be teaching…).

    @Rachel: I am studying Shorin-ryu Karatejutsu currently, hard-fist hands-and-feet art. I have studied White Crane, and will return to that after I can teach Shorin-ryu. Do you study?

    The hook for learning Japanese itself was not only the diplomas I receive when I earn them, but also reading some of the texts about these arts (_The Essence of Okinawan Karate-do_ by Nagamine, and _Okinawan Karate_ by Bishop, jump to mind at the moment). The practitioners who write also seem to also be shodo artists, which is a hook for the characters as well.

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