Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from Austin, TX

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    Becky Bollom

    Hello all! I am frantically trying to learn Japanese since I will be moving there at the end of August, but I also want to do it the right way. My job was eliminated in April and my husband found out in May that he got a job teaching English in Japan, so I’ve been dabbling in a little bit of everything trying to find the best way for me to learn. I think I’ve found it at textfugu! My husband can speak some Japanese, but I have no background at all. I’m a little anxious about this, but having no job means I spend my days studying and packing!



    Woah, sounds exciting yet kinda sudden! Where in Japan are you moving to?



    Heya Becky, welcome to TextFugu! Seems like kind of a whirlwind move to Japan, should be very exciting.

    Good luck with your studies, and best of luck with the move!


    Becky Bollom

    We have been placed in the Tokushima prefecture in a town called Kamiyama. I had never heard of it until we got the placement notification, but have since done some research and I am very excited about the area. My husband has applied three times to a program called JET to teach English in Japan and finally was accepted this year. After the last two rejections, I didn’t think he would get it this time either. We had already decided this would be his last time applying. Imagine my surprise when he got it! It’s a bit quick, but I don’t think I would want to draw it out any more than it has been. I’m impatient to go, but not really ready at the same time!



    Congrats for you and your husband. Do you happen to know what the requirements are got being accepted? I’ve read that a bachelor’s degree is needed.



    Becky, congrats on the job placement! How exciting. :) :) Are you planning to find a job in Japan or be a housewife? My job was eliminated three years ago and I’ve been a housewife ever since. I love it!

    Welcome to TextFugu and good luck with your studies!


    Becky Bollom

    kanjiman8 – I’m not sure what all the requirements are, but I know you have to have a bachelor’s degree. You can find more info at jetprogramme.org It’s run through the Japanese government, so it pays more than some of the independent programs.

    Cassandra – I am not planning to work while I am there. I will be there on a spouse’s visa, so I’m going to take advantage of it! I can pay an additional fee to be allowed to work, but we’re not planning on doing that unless I just feel the need. I have a couple of organizations I’m looking at doing some volunteer work with and I’m going to reconnect with the artistic side that has been pushed aside in the last few years. I’m looking forward to it!



    Sounds wonderful! Which aspect of art are you interested in? I’m a quilter and a knitter, plus I love photography.

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