Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from Canada!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  missingno15 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    Good day~

    So I stumbled upon tofugu.com and then textfugu.com while I was researching/planning my 5 week trip to Japan. The Naoshima Island video feature totally sold me so I’m making a trip out there with a few friends. I’m digging the fun/wonky pieces featured on tofugu.com and came across the special back to school deal so I thought…why not!

    I think I’ve always admired the Japanese culture/art since i was young but never really had the chance to learn the language (since everyone seems to think choosing Mandarin would be the better language to learn/invest in). However, my interests aren’t really there (even though, I’m Chinese-Canadian…and should learn Chinese ~__~ ). I never took it in University as the schedules for the classes didn’t really fit into my Undergraduate program.

    I’m still a beginner to the Japanese language. I had enrolled in Japanese Adult Classes last year but decided to not continue because I was going to be away for a chunk of the term (the amount of money lost there pretty much equivalent to this special price so it looked like a good deal to me). I’ve got hiragana and like some katakana down ~~ still working on it. Gotta keep motivated!

    I’m into the Japanese music/indie scene, design, architecture, pop culture, and I used to watch a chunk of anime but not as much anymore. I’m a huge fan of a certain Japanese artist singer-songwriter so I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to understand/translate video interviews and whatnot without asking/waiting on others.

    I probably will have to start this self-learning after my trip to Japan though. (Lots of planning still to be done!). Perhaps the trip will reinforce the push to learn the language even more =)

    I look forward to learning a new language with you all.





    First of all, welcome to textfugu! Secondly, have you been to Japan before? If you haven’t, you are certainly in for some amazing surprises :p



    Yes I went to japan back in 2008 for 2.5 weeks jammed Packed tryin to take advantage of my 14 day JRPASS.
    I went for a concert too! There’s just so many amazing things to see in a country that’s like smaller than the province/state I live in lol

    Though the yen currency has gone up so this part sucks for my upcoming trip



    Good day~

    So I stumbled upon tofugu.com and then textfugu.com while I was researching/planning my 5 week trip to Japan. The Naoshima Island video feature totally sold me so I’m making a trip out there with a few friends. I’m digging the fun/wonky pieces featured on tofugu.com and came across the special back to school deal so I thought…why not!

    I think I’ve always admired the Japanese culture/art since i was young but never really had the chance to learn the language (since everyone seems to think choosing Mandarin would be the better language to learn/invest in). However, my interests aren’t really there (even though, I’m Chinese-Canadian…and should learn Chinese ~__~ ). I never took it in University as the schedules for the classes didn’t really fit into my Undergraduate program.

    I’m still a BEGINNER to the Japanese language. I had enrolled in Japanese Adult Classes last year but decided to not continue because I was going to be away for a chunk of the term (the amount of money lost there pretty much equivalent to this special price so it looked like a good deal to me). I’ve got hiragana and like some katakana down ~~ still working on it. Gotta keep motivated!

    I’m into the Japanese music/indie scene, design, architecture, pop culture, and I used to watch a chunk of anime but not as much anymore. I’m a huge fan of a certain Japanese artist singer-songwriter so I’m hoping one day I’ll be able to understand/translate video interviews and whatnot without asking/waiting on others.

    I probably will have to start this self-learning after my trip to Japan though. (Lots of planning still to be done!). Perhaps the trip will reinforce the push to learn the language even more =)

    I look forward to learning a new language with you all.


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