Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from Denmark!

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  • #41307

    Gustav Dahl

    こんにちは, everybody! :)

    My name is Gustav, I’m 22 and live in the small Scandinavian country known as Denmark. I have always been fascinated by Japan and its (weird, but lovely) culture. Some time ago I decided that I wanted to be serious about learning the language, too. I have tried numerous times over the years, but without much luck.

    This time I am ready to be more serious about my commitment. Together with using online resources (such as this), I have also joined an introductory class in Japanese that will begin next month.

    During the last week I have been going through season 1. Today I purchased a monthly membership. Despite the many negative comments on this forum, so far I really enjoy TextFugu. At least it’s a great introduction for beginners – dunno about advanced level learners, but that’ll come much later for me. I also considered Japanese Lingua Lift, which has a similar vibe, but I settled on this. I enjoy Koichi’s style of writing. I can understand that he is quite busy with a lot of things, but still I think he seems like a really nice guy. I also enjoy using the Human Japanese app on my iPad, as well as some podcasts from JapanesePod101.

    I recently completed the GBA game Mother 3 via the English patch. I hope that I at some point in the future I will be able to play the game in its original language. Same goes for one of my favorite authors, Haruki Murakami, but my estimate is that it will take many years before I’ll be able to read one of his books in Japanese :)

    I also hope to travel to Japan within the next few years. It has been a lifelong dream to visit the Land of the Rising Sun.

    In my daily life, I study Medialogy at Aalborg University. Basically, it’s everything about computers, games, media and technology. My focus is on developing videogames. Other than that I enjoy karate (Wado-Ryu) and SCUBA diving.

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  Gustav Dahl.

    デーン人キタ━(゚∀゚)━(∀゚ )━(゚  )━(  )━(  )━(  ゚)━( ゚∀)━(゚∀゚)━!!

    Det her er et udmærket sted at starte ud og lære mere om at selvstudere, men ingen af løfterne om mere content passer(ifølge hvad andre siger, jeg har ikke brugt denne hjemmeside i langt over et år). Så det var nok meget smart du ikke købte lifetime membership :P For øvrigt er undervisning spild af tid og penge hvis du er motiveret til at studere selv.


    Gustav Dahl

    * Danish chitchat *

    Hej Mark. Sjovt at møde en anden dansker :)

    Hvilke hjemmesider/værktøjer bruger du så nu til japansk?

    Kurset, jeg skal på, tilbydes af FOF og varer et halvt år. Ved ikke så meget om det, men om ikke andet er det da en god måde at lære at bruge sproget i praksisk (hvilket jeg ellers tror er lidt svært på egen hånd, især hvis man ikke har andre at tale med).


    Noget der vil være alt for avanceret til dig når du er begynder :P Jeg vil anbefale Tae Kim’s grammar guide, hvilket imho er bedre end textfugu. Tingene bliver forklaret hurtigt og kort, men man lærer hurtigt at anvende grammatikken korrekt ved at se det anvendt.
    Det eneste problem der er ved selvstudie er at tale. Det er relativt let at skrive ved at bruge fx lang-8, hvor man kan få rettet det man skriver af japanere. Du kan også hurtigt lære meget omkring anvendelse etc. ved at se TV-shows, læse bøger, blogs etc.. Der er rigeligt med muligheder for at få kontakt med naturligt japansk gennem nettet.

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