Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from Germany!

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    Hello there! Thanks for stopping by. My name is Lea, I am 17 years old and currently I’m serving as a volunteer to bridge the year between school and university. I’m a complete newbie to the Japanese language – besides one or two things I overheard up from anime (but that’s not even enough to be called basics).

    So why am I here exactly? Well, to be honest that is a question that took me a looooong time to answer. Of course I’m interested in Japanese Culture, Architecture, Food, Media … well basically everything. There’s something magical about this country i cannot explain, and It’s beauty can even be found in it’s language – that’s for sure. But tbh. that’s not the only reason why I’m here. Only in the last week I actually realized why I was planning to study Japanese for so long: For once I wanted to have something for my own. That sounds pretty silly I guess, but I have the feeling everything I achieved until now was something others pushed me to. I want to be able to look back and think “That’s something I was able to do on my own, no one told me to do that. The only reason why I’m able to speak Japanese is because I f*****g wanted to and pushed through it.”

    That reason is probably not as good as “I want to talk to my grandma” but It’s at least something. Anyway, I’m really excited to meet you guys and I hope to have a great time here *-*

    See you around,



    That’s just as good of a reason as any, and just as admirable!

    This place is a wasteland :(
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