Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from Seattle

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kat 10 years ago.

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    Hi all!

    I’m Kat. I spent a few years in Japan as a kid, and I miss it terribly. I’d love to move back, but I have a house full of parrots who are awfully hard to get across international borders XD So I’m here in the US, nostalgic and addicted to all the best things from my childhood. Studying Japanese was just in the cards for me.

    I’ve got my hiragana down, and I’m getting good with my katakana, so now seemed like a good time to jump into Textfugu with both feet. I hope to get to know some of you along the way.




    Teach Japanese to your parrots so you can practice speaking with them? =)

    I wanna go visit Japan again too. What took you there as a kid? Parent’s work?



    As I hear it, there’s a decent chance one of my African Greys knows a little Japanese from his previous home. It can take a looooong time to find out everything they know how to say. In the meantime, when I actually find time for Pimsleur, I let him sit on my shoulder ;)

    Yes, I was there as an Air Force brat. At the time, I had no idea just how lucky I was to have the opportunity; it was just another really cool place we got to go live. Now that those years are behind me and I have a mortgage and a 9-5, I really envy my childhood self and the awesome experiences I had XD

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