Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from Shikoku!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kaona 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    おはよ ございます!

    I am writing from my position as a JET, teaching in Ehime Prefecture, in Northern Shikoku. Please forgive the lack of contractions – I sometimes have trouble finding punctuation on Japanese keyboards.

    At any rate, I am still very much a beginner at Japanese, but am so excited to finally be typing, and more so, to read signs as they go by! Anyway, I spend most of my free time (when not teaching or trying to get by with limited language skills in a foreign country) trying to learn about Japanese cooking (I am especially fond of JustHungry and JustBento) and working out. It’s so much fun doing pullups in the little park behind my neighborhood temple/shrine complex and running along the docks, hearing the old fishermen yell “がんばって!” at me.



    Welcome! How is JET? I’ve heard… mixed things. You been sightseeing around Shikoku? You have the time to go sightseeing? =)

    Also, have you tried CookPad?



    Welcome to TextFugu!

    It’d be wonderful to hear about your experiences working for JET, if you’d care to share them with us. How long have you been with them?

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