Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings from the Netherlands ^^

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Adam 12 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi there.

    My name is Timo(people find me…ehh..fluffy, hence Teddy ^^) and I’m from that little country somewhere in Europe!

    I”ve been strolling the internet for some time to find a nice way to study Japanese and I think I found just the right place here!

    There are a lot of reasons why I want to learn Japanese actually. I’ve been doing judo for 15 years now and one day I had a tournament in Germany when I bumped into one hell of a strong japanese dude. We talked in the worse english we could(well I was younger then :P) and I found him…well…intriguing(spelled correctly? =o).

    Also with every birthday my aunt would give me asian stuff (got a whole buddy collection, japanese swords, etc.) and some books about japan, which is really cool :).

    My most important reason though is that I want to go there myself one day and maybe be longer there than a normal holiday..who knows :).

    Cheers! I hope it’s very cozy here ^_^



    Hi Timo. I live in Enschede, although I am Japanese-Brazilian. Hartelijke welkom!





    Hey Edson :D, dankjewel! That means we’re not that far apart. I’m from Limburg. I am a full-fledged dutchman though :)



    Hi Timo, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies!



    Hi Timo! Welcome to the forums. :) What a cool introduction to Japanese! I hope you’re able to visit Japan someday soon. Is there any place in particular that you want to visit?

    Again, welcome and good luck with your studies!



    Thanks all :).

    Well Winterpromise there no place in particular. Maybe like a trip of some sorts :). What I do wanna see is Tokyo though. Would be the biggest city I’ve ever seen.. (Yeah I’m just a countryside boy :P).



    Hello and welcome from a fellow Judoka! ^_^



    Welcome to Textfugu!



    Welcome to the community, Timo! I visited Leiden around New Years Eve and thought the Netherlands was a beautiful country.

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