Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Greetings Japaniphiles :D

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  kanjiman8 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hello, southern british dude here :)

    I’ve been wanting to learn Japanese for a while now. I had a look at the first few pages of a book that I got from a library and learned a few things, however it had very little focus on the reading and writing aspect, something which they cover in another book. I’m the type of guy who wants everything to be in one place, and TextFugu seemes like it’s fit for the job!

    So yeah, reasons for learning:

    - Japanese is a beautiful language with a colourful culture
    - I want to understand their media (Music, Anime etc.)
    - I intend to visit Japan sometime in the future, I love their architecture
    - They inspire my creative ambitions (I am intent on becoming a semi-psychotic animated film director)

    That’s about it, great to meet you all :D



    Welcome to Textfugu. I’m south-west England myself and I think there are a couple of other people down here too (kanjiman and isocracy?). Good luck with your Japanese studies!



    Welcome to Textfugu!



    Heya, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies.



    Inb4 western Satoshi Kon



    Hello and welcome to TF :)

    Nick is correct, me and isocracy are also from the UK. I live in West Sussex. Iso lives in East Sussex.

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