Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Guide to Using Anki 2 with TextFugu

This topic contains 47 replies, has 26 voices, and was last updated by  ジヤック 6 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #50407



    Still years later your guide is helpful! The “Consolidating your sub-decks into your Master Decks” saved me.
    Thank you!


    Aikibujin, the time and effort you put into this is so awesome!!

    I don’t know if you’re still using this site, but I DO have a question. I previously had no problems importing files to Anki, but since the update, it’s saying that the Textfugu decks aren’t in UTF-8 format. Do you (or does anyone) know how to solve this problem so I can continue using the Textfugu decks?



    I have this exact problem too Emily. I think its because they have updated Anki 2 to version 2.1.1 so it no longer accepts the file type that Koichi used to create all his decks. Thankfully I still have Anki 1 on my PC, so I can still use that, but some of the more difficult decks towards the end point of Textfugu require Anki 2, so eventually I will need to jump ship again and be right back at this problem -__-

    Hopefully they will do something about this soon, but who knows how much they support this site anymore with all efforts seemingly going towards the never-ending push to release EtoEto

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