This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #42097


    こんいちわ~ みんなさん!!

    I just paid $120 for Textfugu, $24 for Gakuu (thanks for holding him “captive”, Koichi XD), and $50 for WaniKani… and my candy budget is essentially gone for the next two months lol

    I’mma ace this. *ふふふ*

    日本にぜったいにいきたい!! *v*
    wait, or should the first one be は or が T T

    ⊂^|\| ヒ ∪⊂∪ |2 |≡ |v| ン |⊃ |2 |≡^|v|? baka-baka-baka!! *bangs head* kuroko na ba-ka!! nng!! nnh!! nnnhh!!



    に is fine – it’s not the topic of the sentence, here. The topic is 私, which is being implied. Though before we ponder specifics of particles, it’s こんにちは. =P

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