Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hajimemashita~

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Tom Maoz 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hey from Vancouver Island!

    I want to learn Japanese for a few reasons. More minor-like reason, I enjoy manga and anime and am disheartened by the limits I have only reading English translated material! However more seriously I want to learn Japanese in hopes to be able to teach English as a second language in Japan and to be familiar with the language while I am there. That is a few years in the future though so I can work on my Japanese as I am a full on beginner! :D

    Its a pleasure meeting you!







    More minor-like reason, I enjoy manga and anime and am disheartened by the limits I have only reading English translated material!


    Tom Maoz

    oh god missing you’re still alive? also yokosou ni textfugu Marley. (sorry i don’t have japanese ime installed on this laptop) i don’t go on here much anymore but every once in a while i check things out. anyways good luck!

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