Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hajimemashite

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    Hello TextFugu and it’s members, so glad I made it here. It sure was a good thing I decided to look up the proper pronunciation of “desu” and Koichi’s video popped up giving a perfect explanation, short and simple. Turns out I “burned out” while taking steps to learning Japanese on my own, I went hard on it for about 2 weeks, I didnt really lose the interest in Japanese, I just had so many other things to do around that time, but now i’m back at it like a pro with a permanent membership and a new credible resource to aid me =D.

    So far I’ve been learning from this author on about.com who publishes a ton of beginner lessons. I even went and bought a Japanese app on my Ipod and flash card app to help me study.

    Why don’t I share my reason for learning Japanese. Let’s see here….*open evernote* *copy..aaand….Paste!*

    “After watching an English subbed anime around October of 2011 I got curious about what the characters were actually saying, what each word translated to and what it meant in Japanese. Sure it’s all translated into subs, but when I found links between simple words (like when these two characters were yelling “Baka” at each other) I got excited at learning what it had meant, and then I even went to look it up online to learn more.

    So my reason for learning Japanese is I find it really interesting and enjoyable to learn about, not so much for the sake of understanding anime or listening to Japanese music, but I really enjoy the language itself.”

    English being my native language, i’m very sick of it. I hope to grow fluent in a more respectable and interesting language.



    Hello and welcome!!

    It can be really hard trying to teach yourself another language so don’t feel bad if/when you struggle because we all do :)

    Also just curious, what apps do you have on you iPhone? I’m using Human Japanese and one simply called Hiragana and Katakana, which I love, but I’m always looking for different ones to keep me sharp ;)

    Anywho, best of luck with your studies!! :D



    Hello Carlie.
    It’s just “Japanese”, It’s a rather good app with many helpful features for studying Japanese.

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