Home Forums TextFugu Half A Year's Gone By… Where Are You Now?

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    So, apparently July means half of the year has gone by. While this doesn’t mean you’ve been a TextFugu member for this exact amount of time, it’s a great time to look back at your goals and see how far you’ve come. Sometime’s it’s nice to look back that far, because then you realize that “hey, I did all that!?”

    Or, worse case scenario, you look back and say “whoops, I should work harder these next six months so I can look back after the year’s over!”

    How’re you doing so far?



    My gains have been meager and hard-earned. Although it feels like many of what, in isolation, would be insignificant improvements are starting to fit together. I feel rapid growth is lurking around the corner. Septemberish.



    Still just a simple beginner in this large world we live in.



    That actually is about how long I’ve been a member, and I’m sort of in a rut now. Seasons 1/2 done, working on the Ultimate decks (nouns done, starting on adj.) and ordered RTK while I wait for Season 3, then go back through grammar. Definitely still feel like a beginner.



    “whoops, I should work harder these next six months so I can look back after the year’s over!”



    Still at the beginner stage, possibly upper-beginner, I’d say (whereas missingno15 is really just downplaying his distinctly intermediate skills, like a true 日本人, no? ;P).

    Started and finished Heisig’s RTK 1, learned lots of new, really useful words – a successful few months, I think :) (Though I think I’d be “upper-advanced” by now if the book wasn’t a work-in-progress, amirite? ;))



    @MisterM2402 hahaha, yes, perhaps :( └@(・ェ・)@┐



    May 22nd 2011 is the date I bought Textfugu so almost 2 months have gone by.

    Let’s see I’ve finished Season 1 and 2 I’m on the If lesson of season 3… I’ve finished Ultimate noun and adjectives, and I’m halfway through ultimate verbs… One thing bothers me, when are we going to unlock the Kanji tags for the ultimate vocab?

    What else?… Oh I’m pretty solid on the kanji up to strokes 4 and it’s vocab, (I’ve been learning kanji 5, but as you know the reviewing with anki is what makes it stick the most).

    I feel like I’ve been slacking off… Might be because I’m learning more? Oh well. I feel rather proud on the vocab side of my Japanese.



    I’m still a newb.



    Two months ago I running on the high of living in a foreign country by myself, but now, looking back, I wasn’t doing ANYTHING with my free time. Now I study my Anki flashcards every morning before work and every night after, and usually study a lesson or kanji besides that.

    Obviously, the greatest achievement for me has being learning to value my spare time and use it in constructive ways, but I love being able to use what I’ve learned here in my daily life. When a kacho came out to visit out school two days ago, we spoke in Japanese. It might not seem like much, but I was really pleased when she put me at the Japanese equivalent of our second level beginner class. In two months I’ve done what takes some English students four to eight months to do!

    That all sounds super prideful, but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without TextFugu. When I came across Koichi’s Rosetta Stone video, it was two days before I was a member for life. Thanks for making me a motivated self learner!



    I think I’ve been a member now for about 6 months. I did Japanese in high school, so had a bit of a head start. Although that turned out to be a bit of a hindrance as well, because I rushed through things that I thought I knew.

    I then had a rough spot where I did nothing for about a month. But have since started again, and I’m going slowly and learning things 100% before moving on. It’s much better. I’m still a newbie, but can string a few sentences and can remember nearly all of the kanji (from Textfugu) up to 4 strokes.

    I’ve just started using the Jerry Seinfeld technique to stay motivated as well. And it’s working :D
    23 days in a row so far!

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Andrew.


    Edit: I’m not a total newcomer to not sound arrogant or the likes. I studied with various ressources, courses and textbooks before. For the last 6 months I only learned Kanji with RTK and did only listening comprehesion and the likes.

    Bought this baby today and went through season one (it took almost all day! Did everything honestly, feels good man). Was a really refreshing read and helped me brush up, refresh and strengthen my basics in an enjoyable way.
    I’d say it is really great for newcomers, too!
    Especially appreciating the time-saving and motivational bits (even having read all of AJATT like… thrice).
    Now with S2 I can finally brush up my long-forgotten Katakana (I never used those and felt really shaky about them). Actually I already did the free parts of S2 before todays purchase (so, yesterday).
    It helped me a lot and motivated me to maintain them and become even faster at recognizing them.

    So, with that being said, I brushed up on my basics, have my Kana down for reals and feel very motivated to learn even more.
    Only for the Kanji I didn’t have much love, as I already started out on those with RTK,but I did finish all the 1-2 stroke content.

    I deducted that I am to finish up RTK (am at the 1500ish mark right now) and maintain my reviews of it on Reviewing the Kanji website and later move to a new method of reviewing them in Anki.

    I really like TextFugus approach to the Kanji, as it isn’t avoiding them like the plague as other learning approaches do.

    Alright, I’m pumped, throw S2 at me now (or tomorrow). I know I’m gonna enjoy myself.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Revenant.


    Started 2 months ago. Didnt know a damn thing about Japanese. Now I know how to read and write hiragana I know how read katakana (still shaky on the writing) and im rock solid on all the lessons from S1 and doing good on S2 (if a little slower). Best of all Ive recently begun terrorizing my mother by answer as many of her questions as possible in Japanese…

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Dazanan.

    @Dazanan: But if she doesn’t know any Japanese, she might hear「いいえ」as “yyyyeah”, which could have some bad consequences :P



    For me, I’d say that these past few months have been quite fruitful. Learning new grammar points, strengthening my vocab and discovering more things to love about Japan-it’s been an awesome 6 months.

    I’ve also used some techniques mentioned in Textfugu in my studies as well, especially the 365-day chart technique. Though I wouldn’t venture to say that I actually studied, at least I got to review plenty of stuff consistently, rather than cramming it in like I always do.

    So, thanks for everything dude, I look forward to more lessons and awesomeness (and videos)!

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