Home Forums The Japanese Language Having a problem with Anki

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    So I’m trying to load a new deck into Anki, but whenever I click on the deck in my folder, it opens the Anki window but the deck is nowhere to be found. I’ve tried refreshing, closing and restarting Anki, but it still won’t show up. Any ideas why? I’ve deleted the deck before, so I’m thinking that may have something to do with it… but I really don’t know. :(



    Can you see the deck in the anki folder under My Documents?



    :O No… derp. I put it in there and now it works. Thank you! I just never had to do it manually before; it always automatically went into the folder.



    Your welcome. Glad you got it working.



    HiJack time!

    Anyone having problem with anki playing audio?

    I’m on Mac OS X Snowy Leopard.

    According to the FAQ this is because it uses mplayer and mplayer is rubbish, I tried a bunch of fixes changing the config file for mplayer in ~/.mplayer/config, I compiled a new mplayer from the latest source.

    But it still likes to stop half way through the audio file.

    Its weird, it seems to happen to older audio files, the latest I’ve added are playing fine but older ones aren’t playing correctly.


    I am having a problem with audio also. Since either season 2 lesson 5 or 6 when i import the deck it will not import my audio. For some reason it stopped moving the audio to the new location. Copy and past works but the anki folder gets full fast and it gets difficult to make sure you move the roght thing.



    It’s strange a lot of people are having problems with anki. I’ve only had problems with the audio not playing if the actual audio file is missing from the deck. Such as the case in the katakana deck.

    The steps I do are:
    1) download the anki archive deck from TF (example kanjivocab4-7.zip)
    2) unzip the archive and put the extracted folder in a custom made folder such as “My Extracted Anki Decks”
    3) open up anki and click import if I’m making a new deck or adding to a deck that’s already there.
    4) I find my custom made folder where i’ve extracted the anki decks. I choose the deck i want to add. So, for example kanji vocab 4-7.anki . there should also be a folder called kanji vocab 4-7.media . this contains the audio files.
    5) anki imports the . anki file and the audio to the already made kanji vocab deck.

    Are you sure you’re definitely importing and not adding? I remember Koichi saying that if you press add it will affect the media files playing.

    In the “My Documents” folder on your C:drive or whatever, there will be an anki folder. Every time you import a new deck, anki creates a copy of the .anki files and media folders and stores it there. Check this drive every time to see if it has indeed done that.

    If you’re still having problems, I don’t know what else to suggest.


    It’s strange a lot of people are having problems with anki. I’ve only had problems with the audio not playing if the actual audio file is missing from the deck. Such as the case in the katakana deck.

    The steps I do are:
    1) download the anki archive deck from TF (example kanjivocab4-7.zip)
    2) unzip the archive and put the extracted folder in a custom made folder such as “My Extracted Anki Decks”
    3) open up anki and click import if I’m making a new deck or adding to a deck that’s already there.
    4) I find my custom made folder where i’ve extracted the anki decks. I choose the deck i want to add. So, for example kanji vocab 4-7.anki . there should also be a folder called kanji vocab 4-7.media . this contains the audio files.
    5) anki imports the . anki file and the audio to the already made kanji vocab deck.

    Are you sure you’re definitely importing and not adding? I remember Koichi saying that if you press add it will affect the media files playing.

    In the “My Documents” folder on your C:drive or whatever, there will be an anki folder. Every time you import a new deck, anki creates a copy of the .anki files and media folders and stores it there. Check this drive every time to see if it has indeed done that.

    If you’re still having problems, I don’t know what else to suggest.

    I follow the exact same procedure you so, i have a anki folder on my desktop that i extract things to and i always use the import option. This only became an issue when i imported one of my last few decks. Idk y though. As i said i am importing and when i extract i extract to my custom file so both are there.

    By the way kanjiman, thank you. Every time i have had a question you have provided excellent answers.



    No worries. Glad I can help out. As for your problem, not much more I can think of that can help. You could uninstall Anki and start over, but that would be a huge hassle and a bit of a chore to re add all your decks again.


    No worries. Glad I can help out. As for your problem, not much more I can think of that can help. You could uninstall Anki and start over, but that would be a huge hassle and a bit of a chore to re add all your decks again.

    It would be something to consider if i didnt have nontextfugu stuff in there. All i can think to so is redo the decks, just having troubles with my computer at the moment also. Not sure why since i never use it except to get the anki decks.



    In an update from a few weeks ago, Koichi mentioned something about making a built in srs app like Anki to use with TF. If this goes ahead, that would mean no more decks to download and everything is stored on TF’s server. This would eliminate problems people are having such as audio not playing and media not syncing with iOS and Android Anki apps.


    That would be nice



    Anki being temperamental is one of the reasons why I signed up to iKnow, the apps for Android, iOS and desktops just work. Still gotta go back to Anki soon, I’m gonna make some custom decks to keep my verb conjugations all in check, no media needed so should be easier to keep that stuff in sync.

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