Home Forums TextFugu Having a real hard time learning the Kanji

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    Damian Shore

    Hi guys, I believe I’m about half way through season 2 and I’m having a real hard time remembering the differences in the Kanji, The meaning, the reading, with hiragana, without etc. So much so that I’m afraid to move on. I’m doing my Anki everyday, I’m in WaniKani also.  I find the Kanji pages on TextFugu a little bit confusing. I just don’t know the differences, I think I learn it but then I just get it completely wrong and end up confusing it all in one big mess.

    Do any of you have any tips for learning? I honestly feel like I’ve hit a brick wall.


    Maybe have a look at Remembering the Kanji by James Heisig. It’s a completely different method to TextFugu, but you might find you like its approach more. You have to find the method that suits you best.

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