Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hei there – lets get this started!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 11 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everyone! ive been around for quite a while actually, but alas i havent really used it, (lazy, excuses, other things) but from today on i have decided to study daily!

    I am 25 years old from Denmark, currently unnemployed since i plan on starting the university summer, hopefully japanese, but might do nano technoligy instead. I have been wanting to learn japanese for quite some time, and as part of my, uhm, community service if you will? (in Denmark when your unemployed you need to small task for the goverment for the welfare money), i have been granted (after some heavy convincing) to study japanese every day in a school envoirment. So no more excuses time to get some work done!

    Hope i will see you guys around, and you can help me out if i need so, since this is quite the new experience for me :)

    best regards Mathias



    Dude go for nano-technology that sounds awesome! @_@


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