Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) hello もしもし

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    I have come here to learn Japanese – and the reason is: I would like to live and work in Japan someday as an architect, at least for a while. I have been in love with this culture for years now and it’s time to do something about it :)







    Hi Paula, welcome! That sounds like an interesting career plan. How far along are you to achieving it?



    Welcome! Just…


    Sorry, but is this supposed to be ありがとう? Lesson one: be careful when using IME – the kanji suggested is not always the one you think it is. And that’s assuming you’re typing the kana right – if you misspell or leave something out, you’re going to get a suggestion that’s completely off. ありがとう is almost invariably written in kana, and if you were to use kanji, it’d be 有難う.


    Also, don’t want to discourage you, but if you’re aiming to be hired by a Japanese firm, you’d better be extremely good at architecture if you’re hoping to be hired in place of a native Japanese speaker. That basically applies for any jobs besides English-speaking ones. If you’re working for a foreign company and hoping to put in for a transfer, that might be a different matter. =)



    Thanks Tsetycoon13, mtb812 and Joel :]

    mtb812: I am as far as already having the qualifications usually required (the degree, some intl. work experience and an MSc) – I’m currently researching potential work possibilities.

    Joel: As for working in Japan, I realize that there are differences and difficulties to consider, but I don’t expect to be hired in place of a native speaker (more like a temporary position in an international office based in Japan). I have a friend from Spain who works in a”starchitect’s” office in Tokyo and he advised me not to try that route – unless I also seriously consider potential …karoshi  (since architects, independent from which country, are already considered to be a bit workaholic from the get-go).

    ありがとう for the language tips! It was the first time I tried using Jap keyboard, I am only starting season 1 so I know still have a long way to go!




    Aye, be careful of homophones. Even my Japanese lecturer has accidentally mistyped 思い as 重い (both are read as おもい) and vice versa, on more than one occasion. =P

    In any case, good luck with your goals.

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