This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Alejandro 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hello fellow Textfugu-ers, I come from the land of WaniKani, and wanted to extend my knowedge of Japanese from Kanji -> hopefully everything else.
    The reason I’m doing so, is many. For one, I’m interessed in a lot of folklore aroud the world, and most but not least the Shinto mythology. I want to be able to read books and stories in their original language so that I can get some references I would not otherwise have gotten.
    Another reason I want to learn a whole language, is because I want to start a company after I’m done studying. I know that Japan think of technology in a whole different way than we do here in the rest of the world, so keeping a variety of people with different backrounds, and different cultures can provide a whole new batch of ideas. However, to do this I need to speak Japanese, and understand their culture to bridge the gap between the cultures.
    Also, I want to be that guy who plays all my games on Japanese, and watch anime without subtitles :-p




    Fun fact: The idea of “Shinto” as a separate religion is actually a pretty recent development.



    Welcome to Textfugu. Hope you have success

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