This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years ago.

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  • #50079

    Feliks White

    I am a Japanese tinkerer of 19 (nearly 20!) years. I study Japanese off and on, and have been for the past ten years when I first learned the words for animals and youkai (kitsune, of course!). I’m interested in linguistics as a whole but Japanese has always drawn me back. And now it’s time to settle down.

    I want to be a naturalist and animal rights activist in Japan. animals are extremely important to me and I want to study the animals in Japan, comparing similar species (taxonomically-speaking) to my homeregion of northeastern North America. if all else fails, I’m majoring in PC hardware maintenance and plan to study IT and all about technology. for my animal-based education, I’d like to go to a college/uni in Japan that offers opportunities and classes for wildlife conservation and study.

    anyway, nice to meet you all!




    Welcome! =)

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