My name’s Ash, I’m 22 and live in the UK. I recently started trying to teach myself Japanese and spent a lot of time trying to find decent sources to do so, then I came across a YouTube video of Koichi telling people to “JFDI” I thought it was quite good advice, so I started to look at TextFugu! I’ve only recently started the first season but found it to be pretty darn good (I’m at the pronouncing hiragana bit..Damn “R”…). Seeing the difference from other material I tried to learn with convinced me this was a good place to start, I tried using some book with CDs I bought but it was horrible, not to mention everything was in romaji until the last few pages and it was very dull. -.-
Anyway, I decided to learn Japanese because
- I would love to visit Japan and perhaps stay for awhile.
- I want to accomplish something hard!
- I want to spend my spare time doing something more meaningful and useful (I currently just play games or read fantasy/sci-fi books)
- I’m also hoping that in doing this I can feel better about myself and who I am.
- I want to be less ignorant and learn about another culture and people (Not just the language, but this is the first step I think)
There are probably more reasons, but it’s 4am at the time of posting this, hehe.
Anyhoo! Thanks for reading,