Hi, I’m new to Textfugu. My name is Ruben (it’s also my surname). I personally like learning foreign languages and since the Japanese language lends itself well to my other hobbies, I’d love to have a solid understanding of the Japanese language and hopefully more. Since it’s also a very different language from what I’m used to, it adds an extra challenge and more mental stimulation to it, which I definitely welcome.
I tried Season 1 for free and I have to say I was very impressed. Didn’t take me long to consider becoming a member. I hope the other seasons will meet or succeed my high expectations, but I think it will. Pronunciation is still an issue for me, but everything else went relatively smooth. Maybe I’ll make a thread about it someday, I’ll probably will, but I can’t say when. Learning Japanese is a serious undertaking for me, but I want to be completely satisfied in a few months or years, when I look back, so it will take a lot for me to quit.
Kind of curious about the difficulty of the Kanji and Katakana, but there’s only one way to know for sure and that’s to continue.
Cheers to everyone!