Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello, and Happy New Year.

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Hashi 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everybody, my name is Robert.

    Thanks to the New Years sale I finally got Textfugu. I have been self studying for a while now and kind of got stuck with out any kind of instruction. Now that I have Textfugu I have a more precise plan ahead of me.

    If you want to know why I am studying Japanese it is because I like anime, manga, music, and Video games. Those are the main reasons, but I like other aspects of their culture and history as well. Besides it won’t hurt anything to learn another language.


    Games I want to play that are only in Japanese:

    Sengoku Basara Utage.  Some of the gundam games. Super Robot Taisen OG EXCEED. The Ganbare Goemon series. Various visual novels.


    Anime/Manga That I want to read/watch that are only in Japanese:

    Yattaman, Hell Teacher Nube, Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro, mainly stuff that nobody wants to translate anyway because its old or not popular enough.


    So anyways I guess you could say I am just doing it for fun.

    • This topic was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Rob64.
    • This topic was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Rob64.
    • This topic was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Rob64.
    • This topic was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by  Rob64.


    Hi Robert!
    Those are all great reasons for joining, and very similar to why I am here too! Do you have plans to visit Japan at any point?

    Hope you like the site, it’s definitely good to have some guidance, and you can always drop by the forums for a little extra motivation if you need to. Good luck!



    I think most people learning Japanese would probably visit japan, I know I would. Exploring new countries is fun, but knowing the language of the country? That is sure to make it much better.



    Exactly why I want to learn. I feel like I’d get so much more out of it if I could understand at least a little Japanese. For me, it’d probably be a once in a lifetime, never gonna happen again sort of holidays… so I want to do it right!



    Heya Robert, welcome to TextFugu. Good luck with your studies!



    Heya Robert, welcome to TextFugu. Good luck with your studies!

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