Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello! Bonjour! こんいちわ!

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    Hello everyone~

    I thought I should introduce myself here, now that I’ve officially registered. :)

    I was a bit skeptical about TextFugu at first, having tried several other options for learning Japanese when I was younger (though I realize now that I probably never would have stuck with it as a teenager even if it had been this good), but it really clicked with me when I saw how well-founded the teaching methods are. Being a psychology student, I’ve read a lot of information on how to learn better, and I’m really impressed with the teaching style here.

    I just finished Season 1 and decided I had to continue. I was considering trying WaniKani for a bit (still unsure if I should try doing both at once… suggestions?) but I figured I’d stick with what’s already working for now.

    Japanese is actually the first language I’m trying to learn by my own volition. I was raised in a bilingual French/English environment, and I took a little Spanish in school, but something totally different (if you don’t count loan words) like Japanese is really interesting to me.

    My motivations are a bit nerdy, though. I’d like to someday import games that don’t make it outside Japan. It would be fun to visit the place eventually as well, but that’s a more far-off goal.

    Anyway, I guess that’s enough rambling for now. I look forward to getting acquainted with you fine folk. :)




    Welcome! If you’re doing WaniKani at the same time, then keep it up – just skip the TextFugu kanji sections, because they basically become superfluous when you’re doing WaniKani.

    Side note, it’s こんにちは =P



    Whoops! I’m learning from you already. :P
    I’ll probably still do the kanji sections for now as I’m not yet sure if I’ll be able to subscribe to both services, plus I don’t mind relearning things to make sure they sink in, haha.
    Thanks for the welcome. :D

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