Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Hello, dudes and dudettes! :DD

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dormoxx 13 years, 5 months ago.

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    My name is Tyler, know as many other names on this here interwebs. I’m a general all around nerd/gamer/geek. I love video games; mostly all types of video games. My recent addiction is a little game called StarCraft II. I’m absolutely in love with it, but suck horribly :D.

    Now, on to why I’m learning Japanese! (Why would I do this? It’s not like this is a forum for people learning Japanese :P)
    I’ve always wanted to learn a foreign language. I can’t really justify it, but it’s one of those things you really want to do and can’t explain. I tried taking Spanish last year in High School, but I didn’t like how it sounded, nor did I like the culture/food/etc (I’m not big into spicy food).

    I’ve been fascinated with Japanese culture ever since I studied it in school (I don’t remember the exact grade). I admire the humility that the Japanese people have. I was raised to be humble, keep to myself and respect others, especially older people; so it’s only natural that I see myself living in Japan eventually :P.

    I plan on majoring in either Computer Science or Computer Engineering and working as a Game Developer for a living. It would be really cool to work for someone like Sony or Nintendo, but I know that is most likely never going to happen.

    If you have any questions feel free to ask!:D

    • This topic was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by  Dormoxx. Reason: Misc Grammar things :P


    welcome, good luck with your studies! you never know where you may end up in the gaming industry. :)



    10 bucks says MvP is going to win this month’s GSL!! :P Are you like me and watch more SC2 than you play? I’m only a silver Terran too, but love the hell outta SC2. Happy to see another fellow nerd on here :D



    Hey Tyler, welcome to Textfugu! You should add me on SC2, just add hashi@tofugu.com to your Battle.net friends list. Same with you too, Tom :) I don’t play all that much, but Koichi and I occasionally play together with other TextFugu/Tofugu peeps.

    (And yeah, MVP’s totally going to take this GSL.)



    @dana: Thanks for the welcome!:DD and yeah, I hope to be working for some decently sized company, or even start my own!

    @Tom: GSL is a tourny that I haven’t really seen much of. The only on I have seen though is the majority of the GSPA on HuskyStarcraft and Day[9]‘s YouTube channels. I’m trying to decide between Zerg or Protoss. It’s a really tough decision, because I love them both so much. To answer your question, yes I watch a crapton more SCII than I play (xD), which I’ve been trying to get better recently.
    Also, nerds unite!:D

    @hashi: Thanks for the welcome! I’m going to be trying to get some more practice in today, so I’ll definitely add you. What race do you typically play? Like I said in my reply to Tom, I’m in a dilemma betweet the ‘toss and zerg at the moment.

    EdiT:: I don’t know if anyone noticed, but in my avatar picture, I’m holding a Dreamcast. The Sega Dreamcast was release this very day 12 years ago on 9/9/99. If you’re a gamer, you must take time to celebrate this momentous anniversary. Here’s to you, Dreamcast! May the Dream never die! :DD

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by  Dormoxx.
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